Visits around us
The Dinosaur Museum in Salas de los Infantes, Las Calderas and Peña Rota is 6.2 km away, in Salas de los Infantes as well, but the route can be done on foot.
We can find the Sand Hill Cemetery 8 km away, in Santo Domingo de Silos. Here we find the famous Monastery of Santo Domingo de Silos, and of course, the Yecla gorge, a protected natural area, is a must-see.
The number of pretty towns to see in the area is really vast. From La Revilla, Pinilla de los Moros, Cascajares de la Sierra, Contreras, Salas de los Infantes, Hortigüela, Castrovido, Carazo, Arroyo de Salas, Hacinas, Terrazas or San Pedro Arlanza, are just some of the places with points of interest that you will find.
You can visit Sierra de la Demanda and discover each one of them.
We in our getaways have selected the essentials, and grouped by interests. You can choose here [GETAWAY]

Rural getaway for 4 people to La Costana de Barbadillo
This is where you will rest. From your daily life wherever you live. And also the daily outings to enjoy and get to know this territory. Surely you are already seeing each other here!